Self Employment Loans

When you are self-employed, you often don't have the time to talk to the banks or figure out which loans are right for you. The process is just too time consuming.

In addition, the level of detail required by the lenders is not always easily available and/or your true financial position is not reflected in your financial records. All these factors make arranging a loan very difficult and daunting indeed.

Our advisers are skilled at preparing and presenting your application and supporting documentation to the lender in the best possible light. We have access to many lenders who provide an excellent service for customers with more complex financial needs.

Let our advisers save you time and money AND relieve you of the stress and hassle as well. We have access to a large range of loans especially designed for the self-employed. We are set up to help you compare the loan options on offer and identify the right loan for your requirements.

Abdul Moussalli is a credit representative 399511 of BLSSA Pty Ltd | ACN 117 651 760 (Australian Credit Licence 391237)

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